
Bring your builds to life - custom services offered by!

If you're a CFX lightsaber owner or builder and want to get your CFX builds to the next level then offers services for this!


Lots of people don't really know all of the capabilities CFX has to offer and also don't have the time to implement. These services will help you get the job done quicker and you will get the most out of your saber!

How does this work?

I work remotely so there's no need to ship anything! We will talk about your specific wiring / setup and determine your specific requirements. Once these are clear, example setups are made and sent digitally so we can verify we're on the right track. Once the setup is completed I will transfer the completed work digitally and I will invoice the costs.   

What does this cost?

The only thing you pay for is the labor and, if required, the costs of the soundfonts for individual builds. The labor is billed at an hourly rate of $35 USD per hour. Labor costs will vary depending on the requirements. Payment will be done through Paypal. 


Contact me directly on Facebook or Instagram or send an email to to see what's possible. 

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Custom GraFx bladestyles

If you want a one-of-a-kind CFX GraFx bladestyle (on average: $150 USD)

'Regular' bladestyles

Setting up the SD-card with your personal soundfonts using default CFX parameters (on average $ 50 USD)

Accentpixel configuration

Creating customized accentpixel configurations, either with default parameters or using GraFx sequences

Onboard 603 LEDS

Creating customized LED animations for your specific setup. This includes accents/pixels that are wired to the accent LED pads. (on average $35 USD)

Tangible selection

There are some nice customizations that can be done using tangible selection, like switching soundfonts to create a 'broken saber' and 'actived saber' setup. (if your saber is wired for this, just ask me and we'll set it up)

Full SD-card setup

Setting up a completely configured sd-card which could include any of the other services. (on average $150-200 USD)

Recent projects

Davinium customs - Metal Master v2.0


Full SD-card config, soundfonts and bladestyles setup
Configuration and customization of a whopping 31 accentpixels!
Custom GraFx bladestyles
Custom GraFx for accentpixels
Configuration of tangible font selection (saber automatically switches to lightside soundfont and style on blade-insert and switches to Crystaline workbench and custom GraFx bladestyle when blade is removed)

Davinium customs - Royal Oak Bespoke Saber


full sd-card setup: I've configured all blade and color profiles and tuned them perfectly to each soundfont requested by the client

Soroc sabers - Scrapflex


Custom grafx accentpixels and crystal configuration

Soroc sabers - Mini Maul


custom grafx configuration for accentpixels

Saberbay - Dark Matter Saberstaff


full sd-card setup to go with the run of sabers
setup color/blade profiles in line with the soundfonts
added custom GraFx bladestyles for both main blades and center-blade